Thursday, May 19, 2016

Clicker Training Basics For Your Puppy and Useful Tips

Clicker Training Basics and Useful Tips

Clicker training is a highly effective method of training dogs and other animals. A clicker or any mechanical noisemaker is used to reinforce the positive behavior of the dog. The positive reinforcement is accompanied by a treat. This is especially handy when a new behavior or trick is taught to the dog. The clicking sound helps the dog realize that he needs to act in a certain way to get a treat. Basically, this kind of training is based on giving the dog a signal that he should respond to a command accordingly. Other trainers used different sound “signals” to train dogs such as a whistle. Many believe that this method of training is not only highly effective but also humane and safe for both animal and trainer.

clicker training two

Marking good behavior is the actual goal of a clicker. When this is followed by a reward or a treat, the animal realizes that every time the clicking sound is made by the trainer, a reward will follow. The dog will understand that the way he acted got him the reward and he will be more enthusiastic the next time.

The reason why a clicker is used to mark good behavior is that it is fairly consistent as a sound. There is not much variation in clicking because there is a standard clicker that is usually used for training. Compared to a voice, a click has no emotion and the dog will not be able to read anything from it. If the trainer is despondent or has a personal problem, a voice command will have different undertones which the dog might pick up on. While dogs are very good at reading people through their voices and actions, a click is neutral and carries no baggage.

Clicker training also works very well with puppies because they learn very quickly to associate the clicking sound with a treat. This means that they will also associate good behavior to getting a treat. The use of the clicker is mainly to teach new behavior or tricks. Once the dog learns the desired trick or behavior, the behavior can be associated with a command or a hand signal. The clicker is used to facilitate better retention of the behavior and faster learning.

Step 1

The first thing that you need to do if you want to start clicker training is to get a standard clicker. If you have no access to one, you might want to get another item that makes a sharp, clicking sound very much like a clicker. The important thing is that it should make a consistent sound that does not change or run out of batteries. Stock up on treats if you wish to start training your dog. Treats may consist of chopped up cooked liver or chicken, whatever your dog likes.

Step 2

There are two basic ways of imprinting the behavior that you want from your dog. The first is to lure your dog to act the way you want and the other is to capture the moment.

When teaching your puppy to sit from a standing position, you can “lure” or manipulate him to sit by getting his attention with a tasty treat. You can do this by putting the treat close to his nose (not close enough for him to snap it up!) and raising it a bit backwards so his head will tilt up. His rear end should go down to a sitting position. Make the clicking sound as soon as his rear end touches the ground, because this is the trick that you wanted him to perform.

Capturing the moment means being with your dog for a period of time and waiting for him to sit on his own. As soon as your dog sits, click on this desired behavior. It is important to always click when he sits for the first few training sessions so he understand that this is the behavior that you want.

Step 3

The next step is to reward your dog with a tasty treat as soon as you are finished making the clicking sound. This form of positive reinforcement will instill the desired behavior in your dog as well as make him aware that the sound means he needs to behave accordingly to get a reward.

Step 4

Adding a command or a signal for each behavior is necessary because the clicks are just generic reminders for your dog to behave well and to anticipate a treat. The clicks will not tell the dog what your command is. A cue word or signal should tell your dog what your command is once he has a grasp of several commands.

Tips for Effective Training

It is important for clicker training to be effective so your dog will be properly socialized and will be able to understand the different behaviors you expect from him. The following are tips for this type of method to succeed.

1. Always click first before offering the tasty treat or reward. The clicking sound will teach your dog to behave well in anticipation of a treat.

2. Treats should be small. Big treats will fill up your dog and may make him want to lie down and sleep. It is not a good idea to train or play with your dog while he has a full stomach.

3. Click while your dog is doing the desired behavior but preferably towards the end of the trick. Clicking too early might excite your dog (he will think he has a treat coming) and clicking too late might instill a different behavior. It should be heard during the behavior is performed. Timing is everything when it comes to clicker training.

4. If you are especially happy with the progress of your dog, it is better to give a more treats rather than clicking enthusiastically several times. More than one click for one good performance might confuse your dog.

5. Your dog might try to act out desired behaviors just to get a treat or two from you. If he has already learned the trick and knows it very well, you should not reward these spontaneous performances. This is the right time to introduce hand signals or voice commands so that your dog will understand that when you issue the signals or command, he should behave accordingly. You can train hand signals or voice commands with a clicker at first, and then do away with the clicker if your dog has learned the signals or commands well.

These are just the basics for clicker training and a few helpful tips that will surely help you socialize your dog and make him a better member of your household. You can use this method of training to housebreak your puppy or to train your mature dog for a show.

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