Monday, July 25, 2016

Service Dog Training Information and Tips

Tips on Training a Service Dog

Dogs have always been great companions and a source of joy for people. They are loyal, smart and protective of their families with the right socialization. Another aspect of their companionship which is beneficial for humans is being a service dog. There are several different kinds of service dogs in the United States and their main purpose is to give support in the form of doing tasks and work for their human companions. Animals or canines that provide emotional support and comfort are not actually considered as service dogs especially if they have not received any formal training under the Americans with Disabilities Act pertaining to service animals. Some states do take into consideration emotional support animals and companion dogs when it comes to bringing them to public areas where pets or animals are not usually allowed.

high five rottie service dog

The Right Candidate

Professional service dog training is closely regulated by the ADA. There are training programs and schools which are associated with the organization and trusted to provide trainers and training for qualified dogs and other kinds of animals. There are instances, however, when the disabled person himself might be able to train his own dog without going through a professional service dog program. It is important that the dog in question is a good candidate as a service animal because not all canines can be service dogs since each dog has its own separate personality and temperament. There are breeds which are great bases for service dogs and professional trainers start from these breeds most of the time, although there can be other breeds that might surprise you. Some trainers also prefer to look at the lineage of the puppy. Most of the time, good service dog parents produce puppies that also have the right stuff to be service dogs.

Prospective Service Dog

If you want your puppy to join a service training program for dogs, you should first see if he has the makings of a prospective service dog. The first step to check if your puppy has the potential to be a service dog is to see how willing he is to please you. The easiest way is to play a game of fetch. You can use a small stick or a wad of paper to throw just a few feet away from you and the puppy. You might need to throw the stick a few times so the pup will notice. The desired response is for the puppy to leave your side or your lap, get the paper or stick and return to you. If the puppy drops the paper or stick on his way back to you, this is a good enough sign of willingness to work and please you.

Your puppy should also show that he recovers quickly from a surprise. Being startled with a loud bang, a sudden, high pitched sound or the sudden appearance of an open umbrella is natural. After the initial surprise your puppy should be steady again and not cower in fear. It might even be curious enough to check out the items that caused the surprise. Dogs that easily startle will have a hard time being trained service dogs.

A well socialized puppy is also a good candidate for training as a service dog. Breeders that are pegged to provide puppies as candidates for service dog training will expose them to a lot of things that usually occur in daily life such as vehicles, other animals, other people, walking in the streets and many others. Puppies that show excessive aggression may not be the right candidate for training.Training Dog

Training Schools and Programs

There are several schools and organizations that offer service training programs for puppies and young dogs. The International Association of Canine Professionals mentor and guide trainers all over the world in producing top-notch service dogs and maintaining the animals’ skills and performance. Schools that are members of the IACP are updated with the best ways to train canines and to provide service and support for the people who need them. One of the best schools is in Ohio, the National K-9 Learning Center while other notable schools are in Texas, The Starmark Academy, and PAWS Training Academy.

These schools offer a puppy preschool program to form the foundation of a good service dog. Puppies need to be around 8 weeks of age to begin puppy preschool. Beginning early can be a great advantage for the puppies. A lot of these schools encourage the owner of the dog to interact during the training program so as to bond with the puppy. There is a fee for training; which is usually about $1,000 – $2,000 for an entire single program. Advanced courses and additional programs may be necessary depending on the needs of the owner.

If you are interested in getting your puppy into service dog training, you must be prepared to invest in about one to two years of training. There are two main aspects of training; public access behavior and work and tasks related to the disability of the dog owner. It is important that your puppy learn how to behave appropriately in public because as a service dog he will have access to public places where dogs are not usually allowed. As for works and tasks related to the disability of the person; the puppy will be trained commands that are commonly and uncommonly requested by the disabled individual. The puppy will also need to learn tasks which are passively-available to his owner. Examples of these include being aware of an onset of the individual’s ailemnts, such as a panic attack, an epileptic seizure and being able to alert other people to this.

Service dog training schools will stress that it is important for the disable owner to bond with the prospective service dog so that the dog will be attuned to his owner’s needs and level of comfort, baseline emotional state and physiological condition. The bond or contact will condition the dog to be aware of the slight signals that the owner gives out of an attack or relapse even before the person is aware of it. Another thing that training school will remind owners is that training is a constant in the lives of both the owner and the service dog. There will be changes which need to be addressed later in life which the dog will need to adapt to or be trained to deal with.

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